Learn when and how to order from SKS Novelty Co.
Customer Service would be happy to take your orders over the Phone between 8:30 & 5:00 EST. You can also place orders online, via email, or via fax 24/7.
First time buyers must place a minimum opening order of at least $150.00. This order must be prepaid or shipped C.O.D. Credit terms will be only extended after a completed credit application is approved. Please note that we only sell to customers that are re-selling our products.
If you are interested in becoming a customer please fill out our New Account Forms below. Please fill out all fields and e-mail us at [email protected] or fax us at 1-866-835-8437. You can also register through our Online Account Form.
Registration Form Formulaire d'Inscription Online Registration Form
Our normal terms are net 30 days for credit approved customers. We accept company checks, VISA, MasterCard, and American Express as methods of payment. Net 30 customers with 60 day balances will automatically be shipped C.O.D.
Orders under $50.00 will be assessed a $5.00 service charge. Orders under $20.00 will not be accepted.
SKS does not accept returns unless under exceptional circumstances. Please call our return department to discuss your circumstance. Goods returned without an authorization number will be refused. Any return can be subject to a restocking fee of 20% accept for defective merchandise.
All Canadian shipments are F.O.B. Collingwood, Ontario. We will allow full freight allowance or 4% of the invoice total (whichever is the least) on all shipments that exceed $600.00 and are paid within terms.
Any item shortage or overage must be claimed within 10 days of receipt. All loss or damage must be filled with the carrier.
All items are numbered in the catalog. In order to avoid mistakes, we will only accept orders that include the number of the product you are ordering.
We wish to remind our valued Customers, that you are eligible for a REBATE based on your TOTAL YEAR'S PURCHASES!
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